Paid $millions in taxes, reaped the personal benefits of a free excellent education

Paid $millions in taxes, reaped the personal benefits of a free excellent education

free B.E.E. degree, ( CCNY $26/year tuition over the 5 years, came to $130 dollars, but needed a national defense’ students loan of $3k to pay for books and bus/subway fare to get from the Bronx to 135th street.) That was in 1959-1964) graduated 47 years ago, 35 years ago i hired my first employee, never looked back have employed 60-70 people almost continuously over that period of time. The City of New York, founded CCNY in 1848 to do just that, provide a channel for citizen mobility, something the Republican Party would frown upon-clueless. Thanks for the article, very true.

Make a boatload of money. Pay your taxes. Lots of taxes. Hire people. Train people. Pay people. Spend money on rent, equipment, services. Cut US jobs. Outsource overseas.

Wow, Mark, huge response to this particular blog. A lot of emotion. As an entrepreneur myself, I think there are a few things you may be too separated from to keep in mind:

1) Banks won’t loan money to an entrepreneur 2) Individual investors (ie. already rich people) are holding onto their money with both hands. 3) Companies are more risk averse than ever due to shrinking margins, no matter how good the idea/business plan, so the investment or absorbtion is difficult there as well.

What’s upsetting to me, is that visionary/rich people like you who want to put there money to work, are doing so on more things we don’t need than things we do need.

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